How Can Exercise Improve Chiropractic Therapy For Back Pain?


Chiropractors specialize in spinal manipulation and massage, but those methods are just one part of a complete wellness plan. As you work with your chiropractor to reduce spinal pain, they may suggest additional modalities to supplement regular appointments. A modality is a type of physical treatment, such as massage, hot-and-cold therapy, or an exercise plan. Exercise modalities offer many benefits to your overall health, but how do they specifically help with back pain?

Strengthening Your Core

Chiropractic treatments often begin with pain management to help you return to normal daily function. But longer term, the focus should shift to preventing pain as much as possible. When your body lacks strong abdominal muscles, the spine works harder to keep you upright. Workouts that improve your core muscles take pressure off your spine, hopefully reducing back pain in the process.

Shedding Extra Weight

On a similar note, the more weight your spine needs to support, the more likely it is to experience small injuries that lead to pain. Even mild exercise can help you slim down to a healthier size, if necessary. Combined with increased muscle tone, your back should benefit from carrying less weight.  

Improving Your Mood

Exercise, especially aerobic workouts such as jogging, can significantly improve your daily mood. One Harvard study found that for every increase in activity levels, patients were 26 percent less likely to experience depression. How does that help with pain management? According to other research, mood plays a role in pain sensitivity. The initial rush of exercise may therefore help you manage pain for the rest of the day.

Naturally Fighting Pain

Separate from mood, exercise also seems to be directly associated with reduced chronic pain and pain sensitivity. Researchers speculate that this effect stems from the way exercise interacts with your brain and nervous system. You may experience aches and pains at first, particularly after an intense workout, but overall, exercise appears to be a net positive in terms of pain perception.

Aiding Chiropractic Care

All of the benefits of exercise modalities work alongside those of other chiropractic therapies. Improving your physical fitness gives you a foundation for a healthier future, allowing your chiropractor to focus on correcting existing pains and misalignments. Your chiropractor may recommend specific exercises designed to strengthen your back and core muscles. If you're not sure what exercises you should begin or what activity levels are safe, contact your local chiropractic office today for advice or to schedule a consultation.

Contact a chiropractor to learn more about modality therapy.


6 October 2022

Chiropractic Care: A Whole-Body Approach

Chiropractors are excellent at treating back pain, but did you know they do a lot more than that? Nerves that control every system in your body run through your spine, so by adjusting your spine and alleviating tension on certain nerves, your chiropractor can help ease a whole range of ailments from allergies, to headaches, to sciatica. Adjustments are painless, and most people actually enjoy them. We love chiropractic care and the whole-body approach that chiropractors take as they work with their patients. That's why we created this blog, where we share articles on chiropractic care and closely related topics. Please read and enjoy!